

i blinked & november was OVER. sailed with all the girls through the whitsundays, found nemo & went to fiji. i LOVED fiji. fijians are the happiest people i have ever seen and they have nothing...kind of makes you reconsider what's important. ditching hostels for a resort,endless banana coladas, massages, cloudless skies and water so turquoise it looked fake...perfect.

i can't believe I only have 19 days left here. as much as i need to see my family, especially ollie & chloe, i'm really not ready to leave. i could have easily done a year over here and wish i had. i guess i will just have to pick this whole thing up sometime next year, maybe come back for my masters or find some other excuse to avoid the real world.

this weekend i'm heading to new zealand for "study week," or "travel week" in our book. i'll report back with kiwi news in a few weeks. xo

p.s. christmas music is in full swing 24/7 in my life. i may or may not have spent 65$ at target on a plethora of santa hats, candy canes & garland...what? who said that.

love this.